Is Protein Powder Beneficial for Weight Loss?

If you go to the gym, you've probably overheard the guys next to the weight machines discussing the protein shakes for weight loss they drink after a workout and which ones they favour. Protein powders, which can be mixed into a shake or ingested in any way, are becoming increasingly popular as a dietary supplement.

Healthy protein powder for weight loss is available in almost every health food store and on the internet. Many retailers now sell pre-mixed, ready-to-drink protein drinks. But, are protein supplements exclusive for bodybuilders, or can they help the average athlete as well?

As registered dietician nutritionists and personal trainers, we're discussing a trendy topic: protein powder, and whether or not it can truly help you lose weight, which is a valid question– especially because some people use it to gain weight. We're also letting you into our personal kitchens to see which protein powders we use and recommend to our weight-loss customers once they understand how to use protein powder to help, not hinder, their waistlines.

Protein can help you feel fuller and reduce hunger and appetite by lowering hunger hormones and taking longer to digest than carbohydrates. So, protein is especially beneficial if you're always hungry and eat more food to satisfy your hunger, which leads to weight gain. In fact, we've found that people who don't get enough protein come to us hungry. Quite a bit.

Protein can also help you raise your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories, especially if you strength train, as it aids in the repair and building of the muscles you used. Muscle burns calories, so having more of it boosts your metabolism—which means you burn calories even while sleeping.


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